
Newport Christian School maintains a computer network and computer systems to provide students, faculty and staff of Newport Christian School with access to a host of resources, both at Newport Christian School and on the Internet. These resources include desktop and laptop computers, personal digital assistants, Internet access on the Newport Christian School Network, email, telephones, voice mail and facsimile machines (collectively “Electronic Resources”). The Newport Christian School Network is a private network owned by the school and established to support the school’s educational mission and business operations.


As a student or employee at Newport Christian School you may have access to Electronic Resources, including the network and Internet. The network is viewed as an extension of theNewport Christian School community and all expectations regarding standards of behavior as outlined in the Student, Employee or Faculty Handbook apply to your actions while utilizing or accessing the network or other Electronic Resources. You are expected to use the Electronic Resources in a mature, ethical, and responsible manner. Personal use is allowed butNewport Christian School reserves the right to limit your access. Access to theNewport Christian School Network is a privilege and not a right.

Unacceptable Uses and Behavior

Activities that are considered violations of this electronic resources acceptable use policy and school rules include:

Illegal Activities

  • involvement in any activity prohibited by law.
  • intentional use of invasive software such as “viruses,” “worms,” “Trojan Horses” and other malicious software.
    interfering with the normal and proper operation of this network, the Internet or any other network. This includes: “hacking”, “cracking”, probing, attempting to gain access to network servers and equipment, utilizing excessive amounts of bandwidth, and setting up servers on the network of any type without express permission.
  • adversely affecting the ability of others to use equipment or services.
  • Use of a camera or microphone in any school building or on campus is prohibited without direct permission by a teacher or another member of the community and all parties involved in the photo, video or recording. Students must use good judgment and the student agrees that the camera will not be used to take inappropriate, illicit or sexually explicit photographs or videos, nor will it be used to embarrass anyone in any way. Any use of a camera in a restroom or the locker room, regardless of intent, is strictly prohibited. Students may not engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information about another person.

Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement

  • transferring, utilizing or storing materials in violation of copyright laws or license agreements. This includes software, music files, images and text.
  • plagiarizing work found on the Internet – all sources of work must be cited and credited.


  • tampering with computers, printers, network devices and other equipment belonging to Newport Christian School or other people.
  • using the network for financial and/or personal gain or for political lobbying except as expressly allowed during a school activity.
  • attempting to logon to the network as the system administrator or gain access beyond your authorized access level.
  • attempting to bypass security systems and software.
  • sharing passwords or using someone else’s password or attempting to discover another person’s password.
  • trespassing in another’s folders, work or files or using another person’s account.
  • changing computer files that do not belong to you.
  • storing or transferring unnecessarily large files, including blanket forwarding or e-mail of messages to parties outside ofNewport Christian School without express permission.


  • conducting yourself in ways that are harmful to others.
  • creating, transferring or otherwise using any text, image, movie, or sound recording that contains pornography, profanity, vulgarity, obscenity, or language that offends or tends to degrade others.
  • sending or forwarding “chain” type letters, hate mail, anonymous or threatening messages.
  • viewing, storing or transferring obscene, sexually explicit or pornographic material.
  • use of a camera, microphone or smartphone to record or take pictures of individuals which could be considered inappropriate, illicit or sexual or embarrass anyone in anyway. Use these types of devices in the bathroom or lock room for any reason. To participate or engage in personal attacks, harass another person, or post private information of another person.
  • posting or sending email or voicemail messages that are personal attacks, including any prejudicial, discriminatory, racist or sexist content, could cause damage or disruption, contain false or defamatory information about a person or organization, harassing another person. If you are told by a person to stop sending them messages – you must stop.
  • posting personal contact information about yourself or other people. This includes your address, telephone number, school address, etc.
  • meeting with someone you have met online without the express approval of your parent’s and the Principal.

Disciplinary Actions

Violation of this Acceptable Use Policy is considered a violation of a school rule. Some behaviors are considered violations of a major school rule. Violations will result in one or more of the following disciplinary actions (Newport Christian School will decide in its sole discretion which disciplinary action is warranted under the circumstances):

  • verbal warning
  • written warning
  • restriction of access privileges
  • removal from a class activity
  • removal from a course
  • confiscation of computer equipment
  • student detention, restrictions or work hours,
  • suspension or expulsion
  • payment for damages due to your actions
  • referral to legal authorities

No Expectation of Privacy

The Newport Christian School Network is a private network owned byNewport Christian School. The Network is maintained and managed by the system administrator as to ensure its availability and reliability in performing its educational mission. Users of the network or other Electronic Resources have no reasonable expectation of privacy concerning any materials transferred over or stored within theNewport Christian School Network or on other Electronic Resources (e.g., voicemail). The network is routinely monitored and maintenance is also performed on a regular basis.

Limited Liability

Newport Christian School makes no guarantee that the functions or the services provided by or through the Newport Christian School Network will be error-free or without defect. Newport Christian School will not be responsible for any damage you may suffer, including but not limited to, loss of data or interruptions of service. Newport Christian School is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of the information obtained through or stored on the system. Newport Christian School will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through your use of the system. You are responsible for your activities.