Criteria for Honor Roll
Principal’s List
To qualify for Principal’s List, students must have an “A” average in all their classes, as well as high marks in citizenship, social habits, and personal habits.
Honor Roll
To qualify for Honor Roll, students must have an average for the semester equaling a 3.5 GPA or higher as well as high marks citizenship, social habits, and personal habits. The semester grade is determined by averaging the two-quarter grades.
To qualify for any Honor Roll, the student must not have excessive tardiness to school. Excessive tardiness is described as 6 or more tardies in a quarter.
Grade Determination
- When averaging, the trend in which the grade is moving is used. If the first quarter grade is a “C” and second quarter is the “B”, the trend is upward, so the average is a “B-“. When the quarter grade exhibits a downward trend, “B” then “C”, then the average becomes a “C+”.
- All pluses and minuses are dropped in the semester averaging.
- If the two quarter grades can not objectively be averaged, such as “C+” and “B-“, the teacher will exercise his/her judgement based on knowledge of the child’s work an attitude.
- For every “C” average there must be an “A” to balance to a “B” average.